Erin Correa, PCC, CPCC, M.Ed.
Founder & CEO
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Over the past 15 years Erin has been helping people grow and develop. She has served as the Executive Director of a leadership development company, designed and facilitated development programs across the United States and led the executive development efforts of a Fortune 500 company.
Erin is a certified professional coach through the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) and excels at working with executives to help them align their business and talent strategies. Erin is known as a relationship-builder, connector of both people and ideas and a catalyst for change. She believes a company's success begins and ends with its people. Erin is fueled by the "aha moment" and works tirelessly with her clients to create transformational experiences in their organizations.
Erin loves what she does and is passionate about helping others feel the same.
Mel Strine, MBA
Executive Consultant
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As the Executive Vice-President for The Wills Group and CEO of Dash In Food Stores, Mel defined his career in three primary areas: accelerating profitable growth, developing people, and managing strategy and succession for the next generation of leaders.
Mel has worked in the retail industry for over 40 years, starting his journey with Exxon Company, USA. Mel is known as a results-driven relationship builder. He believes the secret to a company's success is their ability to fully integrate their business and talent strategies to drive powerful results.
Always fueled by a relentless pursuit to help others reach their full potential, Mel's experience having "been there and done that" brings tremendous perspective and valuable personal experience to our clients.
Correa & Associates are certified in a variety of assessment and development tools that may be leveraged in our work together.
Training and Development Certification - University of Oklahoma
Trained Co-Active Coach: CTI (Coaches Training Institute)
Hogan LEAD Series
Via Edge
Korn Ferry Leadership Architect/Voices 360
Influencer; The Power to Change Anything
Crucial Conversations
Situational Leadership II
Insights Discovery
5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity